Sunday, November 10, 2013

After a few weeks of not making it to get pics at Pony Club I'm back. Pony Club today was a horseback treasure hunt in the Pony Club grounds for all ages. There was much excitement and the kids all enjoyed it immensely. The older girls tried to get their horses enthused for hoofball afterwards without too much success but it was a good orientation anyhow. 
Here's a few  pics of the action anyhow


Friday, October 4, 2013

Lessons from visiting horse instructor Sue Coleman

We have been very fortunate this week to have Sue Coleman over from New Zealand providing horse riding lessons, and what a busy week she has had! Today the kids were divided into groups and had to choreograph a sequence to music using their 3 horses & riders.Each team had an older child, a mid sized one and a littlie and boy did they have fun. Heres some pics of the day